Holli Harmon’s work revolves around human experiences that are connecting points between different cultures and generations set in iconic California imagery. Her paintings, printmaking and multi-media work re-imagine the story of these places, people, and culture.
Process, materials and mediums are as important as the subjects found in her work. The imagery lives between representation and abstraction as one material leads to another, creating an object that has a life of its own. Some of these materials include impasto paint, cold wax, collage, silver pieces, and ephemera. As a native to California, Harmon shares this imagery honestly and in the present tense.
Through a personal lens, she explores and re-tells themes that make up our collective human experience. These collective experiences are found on the edge of our personal borders of space, time and memory.
Harmon received her B.S. from UCSB and a Master’s Degree from San Diego State. Her work resides in many public and private collections across the country.