Holli Harmon

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Endings are Promising Beginnings

Seasonally, winter has a fuzzy beginning and end in California. Our recent cataclysmic storms certainly proclaimed winter was here. While I am enjoying our bright sunny days, I do hope for more rain…(just well spaced gentle rainy days please!) before we proclaim Spring is here!

Like California winter, my artwork and inspirations have fuzzy endings and beginnings that weave together. One idea morphs into the next. Right now I am in full production on the 89 Cloud piece and starting a series of mulit media paintings built on a 1866 Farmer’s Almanac. These two projects focus on water, food, and farming in California. My time at the White Buffalo Land Trust has expanded my understanding of regenerative farming principles and how that can change the world and combat our climate crisis.

Stay tuned, I am busy at work preparing for a new show that will debut this summer! I will keep you posted.

Warm wishes for the coming season,
